Our mission is to empower teams and clients to create perfect products with the help of the best commenting and collaboration tools created by us.

Our Story

Here’s how CloudArc story begins. Once upon a time in the far ends of London, there were two creative minds (Isa and Hakan) who had a love for collaboration and wanted to reshape how people work together. However, this journey didn’t start with a smooth sail it was with ups and downs. When these two minds were with clients and teams, they were literally scratching their heads from confusion and stress. Also, they were meeting for hours to understand and follow the desired changes from clients and they didn’t know who was working on what and what was corrected or changed and as a result they were losing their minds! Isa and Hakan asked themselves that there must be a tool to solve all this! Unfortunately, there wasn’t.

The products in the market before CloudArc were merely on general customer feedback and it wasn’t possible to provide something precise by pinning and with a profound annotation. Here’s when they had their aha moment!

The bumpy ride became an amazing moment and they created CloudArc to eliminate all of the stress and confusion that they and many others were facing. CloudArc will help save your hair, and help with your soul and body wellbeing. CloudArc was founded on a rough path, but created and developed with profound love and with the mind of constant wellbeing and value.

Get to know the team behind CloudAce

Leslie Alexander
Ethical Hacker
Courtney Henry
HR Manager
Brooklyn Simmons
Project Manager

Ultimate collaboration and commenting tool

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Our values


We’re committed to helping and delivering high-quality results for teams and clients. We strive to be the best in the best in this area.


We admire our team and collaborate together to enhance teamwork and a better workspace environment. Teamwork is everything and we’re a devoted and passionate team.


Innovation is something we take dearly. We incorporate the magic of AI to boost the best results for teams and clients and bring content and design means to new heights.

Honest and Open

Being open and honest is crucial for us from the very beginning. We provide clear and precise data and information to everyone.


We believe growing is essential both in what we deliver and as a company! We carry a strong passion for growth and we display it throughout our business for teams and clients.


Taking accountability and ownership are vital to us and we always take this dearly. Also, we always give credit to what each team member does and celebrate it together.